Rippin' out the kitchen!

It is really hard to describe this room/kitchen to give you
 the REAL effect, as the photo does not do it justice.
There are a variety of paint colors schemes (none of which
were completed) and several layers of floors exposed. 
I think a counted up to twelve different colors at one
point and had to stop due to nausea.  Knobs are
missing, boards are hanging, sink is chipped,
windows don't open, holes in the floor and did I
mention the water heater just sitting in the middle of it all?
And still my dream home!

Robbie says "step ONE" in any of our projects is:
He dug through five layers of damaged flooring.
We removed all of the old rotton and water damaged wood -
that had to include the cabinets and countertops -
sink and all....
We also wanted to open up the space to the dining area -
so we enlarged the doorway.

We have been without a kitchen since July of 2009.

We have added insulation and new windows - that work!
This project will be continued....