Putting in the Pond (in Ten Easy Steps)

Step one: Get a pasture or a field and pick out a nice spot to dig.

Step two: Get a dozer of qualified size and one that comes
with a qualified dozer operator.

Step three: Start digging.

Step four: More digging.

Step five: Measure the hole and make sure it
is deep enough.

Step six: Wait for rain.

Step seven: Wait for more rain.

Step eight: Go buy some fish....

..... lots of fish.

Step nine: Put fish in pond.

Step ten: Enjoy!

We are having a great time with the pond -
since it is been added we have also noticed
the other creatures that come
to enjoy it as well. We have resident
frogs, toads, turtles, dragonflies, herons,
egrets, coots, raccoons, dear, coyotes and....
did I mention the snakes?